When I found this out I was one part THRILLED and one part sad. Sad that I didn't find this out Monday when I missed out of the free scotch tape (it was a Sunday-Monday only deal), and sad to think about all the other free things I've missed out on all summer not knowing I could have easily gotten a raincheck. Oh yes, I said FREE things. CVS will issues rainchecks for their weekly sale items if they are out of stock, but even for items that generate ECB's (Extra Care Bucks) and even for items that are FREE after ECB's!
Today I went in to get myself a rain check for the free pencils that they had advvertised this week, which were completely out of stock since Monday when I went in.
Next time I go in and they have more pencils in stock I will be able to pick up 3 packs for 99 cents each, and then they will issue me three 99 cent ECB's for those pencils. I am very glad to find this out before next week amazing load of school supplies which are free after ECB's which I'm sure will fly off the shelves fast
Could CVS be any more wonderful? I don't think so.
If you don't live near a CVS, but you do happen to have a Rite-Aid closeby? Well then you might be in luck too because when I used live near and shop at Rite-Aid using their rebate program I often found that the "freebate" (free-after-rebate) items were gone before I could get there and thought I was out of luck until I had a kind cashier let me know that I could pre-pay for my items (so that my receipt would show the valid dates for the rebate) and then come pick it up when they got more in-stock. I did this once and although it took a few weeks it did work. I had pre-paid for 3 items, then submitted my rebate form, and gotten my refund and then the store called when my items came in stock. One of the items, a hair styling product, took so long however that it wasn't ready for me, so instead they let me go to the haircare aisle and pick whatever I wanted (of equal value) for FREE as a substitute! It actually was great because I ended up getting something I wanted more than the original item which I had never seen go on a good sale. How awesome is that!
Want to start shopping at CVS but not sure how to start? Money Saving Mom has a couple of great beginner articles that helped me get started: CVS 101 & CVS: Making It Work For You
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